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Visitors are drawn to Randolph County, West Virginia for its natural beauty and its abundance of outdoor recreation. Recreational tourism has grown in Randolph County, bringing more visitors to enjoy the mountainous views and appreciate nature, where its easier to avoid crowds and social distance. Because of this, we are committed to making our area a safe place to visit. We are abiding by COVID-19 safety guidelines to the best of our ability, and we are asking you to do the same.

The Elkins Randolph County Tourism & Depot Welcome Center CVB are readily available to speak to you regarding any of your concerns when traveling to Randolph County. Thank you for visiting and let’s all be #randolphtogether.

COVID-19 Resources

To beat COVID-19, it’s important to keep up with the current, most accurate information:

Governor’s Office News Releases

W. Va. DHHR COVID-19 page

U.S. CDC Coronavirus page

President’s Coronavirus guidelines

The COVID Tracking Project

Davis Medical System COVID-19 website

City of Elkins COVID-19 page

Channels to Follow for Updates


-U.S. CDC Twitter feed


Governor Jim Justice’s Twitter feed

WV DHHR Twitter feed


Randolph Co. DHS/OEM text and email updates

Elkins City Hall Facebook page

Elkins City Hall Twitter feed

Elkins City Hall email alerts

Randolph County Commission Facebook Page

Davis Medical Center Resources

Quick tips for seniors during social isolation

Tips for social distancing, quarantine, and isolation during an infectious disease outbreak

Connecting with caregivers during COVID-19

Davis Medical System COVID-19 website