5 events found.
Bass Fishing Classic: “Boat Launch”
Scott Ford Boat Ramp Scotts Ford Road, ElkinsThe start of the Bass Fishing Classic, with the launching of the anglers boats; then later in the day the […]
MSFF Highland Dance Competition (AM Session)
Davis and Elkins CollegePrimary, Beginner, and Novice contest Registration Citizens Bank of WV Amphitheatre, D&E College
Strongest Team in the Forest Competition
Located at, Elkins High School
MSFF Highland Dance Competition (PM Session)
Davis and Elkins CollegeIntermediate & Premier contest Registration at 12:30 PM @ Citizens Bank of WV Amphitheatre, D&E College
Corn-Hole Tournament
registration @ 1:00 PM @ The Summit Church of, Elkins WV (Parking Lot) IF WEATHER IS INCLEMENT RESORT TO >>> […]