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Pickens Maple Syrup Festival

Pickens Road, Pickens, WV 26288

In late winter, here in our mountains surrounding Pickens, when nights are freezing and days begin to warm, it’s maple sugaring time!

West Virginia has a long history of sugar making. The Indians made syrup first. The early settlers quickly learned to make the sweet stuff and use it as their main source of sugar. Today, maple syrup and sugar are widely used in cooking, baking, and as toppings.

Join us in Pickens for a full weekend of activities celebrating this tradition each year on the third full weekend in March!

Enjoy two days of All-You-Can-Eat pancakes and buckwheat cakes smothered with the locally made real Maple Syrup. Learn how syrup is made with a trip to Richter’s sugar camp. Crafter and vendors will line the streets. Check out the wood chopping exhibit, quilt show, a photography show by the Buchannon-Upshur Camea Club, and live entertainment at the historic Opera House. Maple items will be available for sell at the Craft Store and don’t miss out on the Saturday evening ham and bean dinner at the Legion Hall.

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