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Step on Guide, “Old Ed”

Ed Griesel, secretary of the board of directors for the West Virginia Railway Museum located in Elkins, West Virginia, is a step on guide for tour and bus operators coming to Randolph County and surrounding areas.

“Old Ed”, a moniker given him by one of his hobo friends, speaks to groups of all ages, but his favorite group is kids. While Ed has never bundled a few of his possessions in a red bandana, tied them to a brindle stick, and set out to live the life of a hobo, he does present the image of a classic hobo with his salt-and-pepper beard, herringbone sport jacket, gray pants, brown shoes, and red bandana around his neck. He keeps his audiences engaged by asking questions and telling the history of the hobos and their way of life.

Step on Guide, “Old Ed”

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