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Ice’s Farm at Blue Rock

12005 Adolph Road, Mill Creek, WV 26280

Ice’s Farm at Blue Rock sits at a three-thousand-foot elevation in the mountains, which creates a perfect climate for growing a stand of sugar maples. Linda Zimmer and her husband Don Olson, live on the 80-acre farm and became the first certified organic maple producers in West Virginia in 2009. Maple syrup is an organic product by nature, but organic sunflower oil is added to control foaming. Old timers used to drip pork fat into the mixture for this purpose. During maple syrup season, you can take a tour and have a taste while visiting the farm.

Ice’s Farm in southern Randolph County is one of only seven maple syrup producers in the state according to the WV Department of Agriculture.

Visitors can also come and pick blueberries from a designated half-acre of the farm. The blueberries are certified organic as well and visitors can pay using the honor system. In addition to the well-known maple syrup and blueberries, you can fish in the raised trout pond as well as forage for shiitake mushrooms (fresh or dry). Be sure to call ahead when planning a visit to the farm.

Ice’s Farm at Blue Rock

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