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History lovers, rejoice – Beverly Heritage Day is coming!

Best of all? This year, Beverly Heritage Day organizers have brainstormed new activities for all to enjoy!

Along with the familiar activities many are used to, the addition of interactive games and a scavenger hunt will take place throughout the day. 

We sat down with Beverly Heritage Center’s Marketing Director, Ben Duvall-Irwin, to get the scoop on the upcoming event. 

Read on for the full discussion:

Elkins-Randolph County Tourism: When will this year’s Beverly Heritage Day take place?
Saturday, July 23rd from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm at the Beverly Heritage Center – 4 Court St. Beverly, WV 26253. Parking is available at the corner of Fountain Street and Walnut Avenue.

Elkins-Randolph County Tourism: What can people expect throughout the day
Ben: The day’s activities are free for everyone to enjoy. Attendees can expect a variety of activities for people to experience different eras of history specific to Beverly and Randolph County. 

Some familiar activities:

    • The day kicks off with the Parade of History.
    • Reenactors from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries which will include   civilians and military throughout different eras

    • Games for children and families include old favorites, the Game of Graces, which is an old-fashioned catch game, and Fishing for Chickens, which is a game based on a true story when a Civil War soldier tried to catch a chicken with fishing line
    • Live music throughout the day including bluegrass music and 19th century organ music
    • Tasty food options to enjoy such as a pulled pork lunch and pie sale, along with a closing Ice Cream Social
    • Presentations on local history portraying the following historic figures: Porte Crayon, a journalist + artist in the 1800’s that wrote national articles about Randolph County; Francis and Julia Pierpont, West Virginia’s first Governor and First Lady; Father Michael Costello, an abolitionist priest from the Civil War era.

We are most excited about the new interactive spin on this year’s Beverly Heritage Day with several experiences offered:

   • Civil War Spies Mystery Game – Will you be able to solve the mystery? This interactive game includes a cast of characters portraying local historic figures from Beverly that were rumored to be spies during the Civil War. It’s up to our participants to figure out who the spies truly are. You’ll interact with characters to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying. Those who guess correctly will be entered into a prize drawing. The grand prize is a 1 night stay at Mountaineer Casino Racetrack and Resort!
   • Scavenger Hunt – Participants will follow multiple clues around the living history camps to find a hidden message which will lead to a secret prize.  The Scavenger Hunt is recommended for young adults and children with adult supervision.
   • Randolph County Jail – The 1841 Randolph County Jail will be open for visitors to see the new exhibit in the newly restored jailer’s office.

Elkins-Randolph County Tourism: Who should attend Beverly Heritage Day? Ben: Anybody who is curious about local history, young or old, history buffs or those just interested in learning more. Attend if you’re curious because this year will be VERY interactive with the new games/activities and reenactors that are eager to answer your questions from cooking to clothing and daily life.

Check out Beverly Heritage Day’s full schedule below (times and details are subject to change):

 • 10 am – Parade of History
 • 10:30 am – 5 pm – Camps, games, and activities open
 • 11 am – Porte Crayon (Randolph County Museum)
 • 11:30 am–2 pm – Pulled pork lunch and pie sale (BHC patio)
 • 12 noon – Ed and Trish Bowes live music (lunch tent in Goff yard)
 • 1 pm – Father Michael Costello, Civil War Priest (Civil War camp)
 • 1 pm – Julia Pierpont plays pump organ (Courthouse)
 • 2 pm – Gov. Francis and Mrs. Pierpont present Early Flags of the United States (Courthouse)
 • 3 pm – Porte Crayon (Randolph County Museum)
 • 3 pm – Julia Pierpont plays pump organ (Courthouse)
 • 4 pm – Civil War Spies Mystery Game awards (BHC patio)
 • 4:15 pm – Ice Cream Social (BHC patio)


Randolph County’s history is rich, expansive, and Historic by Nature. Learn more about Randolph County’s history by spending the day at Beverly Heritage Day! 

For more information on Beverly Heritage Day, contact Ben at the Beverly Heritage Center.

To browse other Randolph County Historical Sites and Museums, check them out on our website now!