The Rustic Mechanicals’ Present Julius Caesar @ D&E College
The Rustic Mechanicals 2024 11th Anniversary Lend Me Your Ears Tour of William Shakespeare's JULIUS CAESAR will play the Myles […]
ThriftCon – Elkins
Calling All Thrifters, Vintage Collectors, Antiquers, and Lovers of Funkiness
12th Annual Spay-ghetti Dinner
We're back at our familiar place and time, celebrating World Spay Day, serving the famous St. Patrick's Guild of Coalton's […]
Sqaure Dance
Caller: Tony Minney Music: Born Old with Josh Wanstreet
Rifle Rally
Art Exhibition
Join us to celebrate the extraordinary art work of Randolph County Students.
Knights of Columbus Friday Fish Fry
$9 per meal. Dine-in or Take-out. Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Bread, Drink, and Dessert.
Bizarre Bazaar
Come one, come all to shop our weirdest wares! Bizarre Bazaar is our once monthly artist market devoted to all […]
Wild Edibles
Do you love nature? Want to learn about and share your knowledge of WV’s flora, fauna, and unique habitats with […]
Beginner Wheel Throwing
New Pottery Class. Check out the details and get registered. Limit is 6 students!
Knights of Columbus Friday Fish Fry
$9 per meal. Dine-in or Take-out. Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Bread, Drink, and Dessert.
Valley Health Care Job Fair
VHC 240 Allegheny Highway, Elkins, WVValley Health Care (VHC) is excited to announce its upcoming Job Fair scheduled for March 21st, from 10:00 am to […]
Middle School Book at Alexandria on Main
119 3rd Street 119 3rd Street, Elkins, WV, United StatesTygart Hotel Grand Opening
Tygart Hotel 206 Davis Avenue, Elkins, WVLost Towns of the Mon Art Opening Date: Thursday, March 21st Time: 5-7PM Location: Tygart Hotel Experience local art, meet […]
Knights of Columbus Friday Fish Fry
St Brendan Catholic Church US-250, Elkins, WV$9 per meal. Dine-in or Take-out. Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Bread, Drink, and Dessert.